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Finland. Migris överdirektör Jaana Vuorio i lång intervju med Newsmakers på Helsingin Sanomats sajt.

jana-vuorio-migri-in-hs-tv-19-10-2016Klicka på bildrutan för att komma till intervjun på HS:s sajt (på engelska).

Överdirektör (i Sverige generaldirektör) Jaana Vuorio, Migrationsverket – Migri – intervjuas i det här videoklippet från Newsmakers (utlagt på Helsingin Sanomats videokanal) på engelska om asylsituationen i Finland. Större delen av den 18 minuter långa intervjun har nedtecknats med tanke på att man inte vet hur länge videoklipp ligger kvar och det som sägs här kan vara intressant att ta del av också om några år eller ännu längre fram, när länken kanske inte längre fungerar. Det mesta är nedtecknat på engelska men en del är översatt till svenska.

David Mac Dougall: Norway has radically revised their estimate downwards, of the number go people who will come to claim asylum, to a 19 year low. What’s the situation  going to be like in Finland this year and what’s it going to be? How many people did you think would come and what’s the reality?

Jaana Vuorio: Our estimate was 10.000 for the entire year of 2016. It seems that we don’t go that much up so now the estimate is around 6000, 7000 at the most.

David Mac Dougall: Comparing it to last year – we had more than 32.000 last year if I remember correctly.

Jaana Vuorio: Yes, in Finland actually, in the European and Nordic context, our asylum seeker figure has been exceptionally stable. It has varied between 3.000 and 4.000 annually and then, all of a sudden last year, we git nearly ten times more applicants.

Intervjuaren säger att det var uppenbart varför det kom så många asylsökande förra året men undrar:

David Mac Dougall: So why has it dropped off so much this year, what are some of the reasons behind fewer asylum seekers?

Jaana Vuorio: Of course there are many reasons for that but the main reason, compare to last year, are the border controls that have been put in place and also the movement from Turkey to Greece, the numbers have gone down, as we all know.

David Mac Dougall: Do you think ut plays into it that Finland is not granting so many asylum applications; not granting so many asylum requests? Do people realize that its not such an easy country to come to and claim asylum?

Jaana Vuorio: Probably that is one of the reasons,  as well as… actually the asylum criteria remains the same but we used to have a national category of ”humanitarian protection” and that was taken away from the immigration law in May this year.

David Mac Dougall: Who did that affect the most, when it was taken away from the law?

Jaana Vuorio: Actually applicants from countries like Irak, Afghanistan and Somalia. Earlier applicants from those countries, they – or most of them – qualified for the category of ”humanitarian protection”.

David Mac Dougall: We’ve seen some of the worst fighting with ISIS in Irak, so somebody fleeing ISIS wouldn’t automatically get their asylum application approved in Finland anymore?

Jaana Vuorio: Of course we look at the situation all the time as it is at the moment and now we know that the situation in Mosul has really deteriorated so the fact that a person comes from Mosul… if he returns there he would face serious harm for his security. But then of course for Iraqis we have to consider whether the person could return safely to some other part of the country. Läs mer

Justitieministern från Den Humanitära Stormakten näpser premiärministern för lilla, dumma Storbritannien

Lyssna nu, premiärministern i lilla (!) dumma Storbritannien, på vad justitieministern i Den Humanitära Stormakten har att säga om ”ansvar”! Ur artikeln Calais migrant crisis: David Cameron accused of ‘playing politics’ på BBC.s sajt den 2 augusti:

BBC om Morgan Johannsons uttalanden 2.8 2015

Notera att man i BBC:s ext har satt citattecken runt ordet ”responsibility”. Det gör jag också alltid när svenska politiker uttalar ordet ”ansvar”, detta (till intet förpliktande) honnörsord bland svenska naivister inom politik och media.

Morgan JohanssonMorgan Johansson säger myndigt:

I think he’s playing on strings – that he wants to actually divide people – and that’s not a constructive way.

Dessutom: Som om han själv och alla andra i regeringen och riksdagen i Sverige inte också ”are playing politics” i dessa frågor! Falskhet och dumhet, kryddat med naivitet och direkt odiplomatisk och ouppfostrad oförskämdhet, se där ett vinnande koncept från en myra som tror att den är en elefant. Mer ur artikeln på BBC:s sajt:

Sweden allows anyone from Syria into the country, and last year Sweden accepted 30,000 asylum seekers compared to the UK’s 10,000.

Mr Johansson called on the rest of the European Union, including the UK, to take more people in.

”I hear what he [Mr Cameron] is saying about illegal immigrants and about swarms and everything like that,” he said.

Pinsamt. Ytterst pinsamt. Men helt i linje med den naivt megalomana stormaktsretoriken som man från politiskt (och medialt) håll i Sverige länge ägnat sig åt. En retorik som skorrar falsk inte bara i utländska öron utan också i allt fler öron i DHS. Morgan Johansson fortsätter dock att, med en dåres envishet, köra med den hittills totalt icke-framgångsrika stilen att mana övriga EU-länderna, inklusive Storbritannien, att ”ta in mer folk”. Det har Sverige okänsligt kört med sedan något decennium tillbaka, också på Alliansregeringens tid och idag även genom en del EU-parlamentariker från Sverige. Trots att de i EU inte ska gå sitt eget lands ärenden utan företräda hela EU, där den svenska synen på ”ansvar” inte alls är densamma.

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Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower” # 17



Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower” # 17

Many of the asylum seekers — especially those who are used to much better living conditions — are appalled by what awaits them in Sweden. The fact that 300–350 people arrive every day (!), is an unimaginable strain on the municipalities that are supposed to receive them and put a roof over their heads. It also puts overwhelming pressure on the Swedish society: its people, the Migration Board and migration courts, schools, doctors and hospitals, dentists, Police etc.

Läs hela texten här.

Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower” # 15



Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower” # 15

In his speech, the Prime Minister of Sweden told the people that as a result of the extreme influx of asylum seekers to the country, he will not make any promises of any kind of improvements and/or reforms at all for the coming four years, since it will cost too much to receive all the people seeking asylum in the small country of Sweden (population: less than ten million)

Läs hela texten här.

Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower” # 4



Stories from Sweden, the Humanitarian Superpower” # 4

Authorities know where they are; still thousands of asylum seekers, who have received negative decisions are not being deported. These cases have increased by 92 per cent during the past six years: from just over 5.000 to close to 10.000 people.

Läs hela texten här.

Sweden in the world – bilden av Sverige är förändrad

En del av rapporteringen i världen om de våldsamma upploppen i Husby och andra förorter runt Stockholm. Bilden av Sverige är förändrad.

The Washington Post, 21 maj 2013: Swedes shaken by second night of riots in Stockholm suburb triggered by police shooting

Washington Post LogoKnown for its strong welfare state and egalitarian society, the country has nonetheless had the biggest surge in inequality of any OECD country over the past 25 years, according to a recent publication by the global economic watchdog.

Hufvudstadsbladet, 21 maj 2013: Tid finns att rädda Helsingfors från upplopp

HBL logoDet här är en utveckling som politikerna i Finland följer med oro. Visserligen har Finland hittills klarat sig undan upplopp, men Helsingfors har liknande problem som Stockholm.

Helsingfors har de facto redan vidtagit flera åtgärder för att undvika misstag som gjorts i Sverige, säger både SFP-politikern Marcus Rantala, som sitter både i Helsingfors stadsfullmäktige och styrelse, och biträdande stadsdirektören Ritva Viljanen.

The Telegraph, 22 maj 2013: Stockholm hit by third day of rioting

The Telegraph logoThe unrest has proven once again that Sweden is not immune from the rioting which swept London in 2011, raising questions over how the country is integrating the immigrants who make up 20 per cent of the population.

News Online Australia, 22 maj 2013: Swedish capital hit by third day of riots

News Online AustraliaJustice Minister Beatrice Ask said it was necessary to ”stem the violence and vandalism”.

”Many have lost their cars, preschools have been burned, fires are lit here and there, youths are running amok,” she said on Swedish television.

Ask said stone-throwing at police or staff from emergency services was unacceptable.

CNBC, 22 maj 2013: Riots Erupt in Sweden: The Nordic Welfare Myth?

CNBC logoThe Scandinavian model is more commonly associated with progressive policies such as promoting stay-at-home dads; much less with cars set ablaze and schools trashed.

But Sweden has a higher unemployment rate than you might expect, David Lea, analyst for Western Europe at Control Risks, told CNBC. The country has seen a huge influx of immigrants, with many asylum seekers drawn to its reputation for openness and tolerance.

AlJazeera, 22 maj 2013: Sweden riots continue after police shooting

aljazeeraAround 80 percent of the roughly 11,000 residents of the suburbs are first- or second-generation immigrants.

Police have refused to give the nationality of the victim of the shooting.

Many local residents see the shooting as an example of police brutality, and the violence has stirred debate in Sweden.

MailOnline, 22 maj 2013: Stockholm burns as rioters battle police after three days of violence in immigrant ‘ghetto’

Mailonline logoYesterday’s violence, which has intensified over three days of rioting, saw gangs torch dozens of cars and attack two schools and a police station.

It is Sweden’s worst disorder in years and has shocked the country and provoked a debate on how Sweden is coping with youth unemployment and an influx of immigrants.

BBC News Europe, 22 maj 2013: Riots grip Stockholm suburbs after police shooting

bbcRioters have lit fires and stoned emergency services in the suburbs of Stockholm for the third night in a row after a man was shot dead by police.

Incidents were reported in at least nine suburbs of the Swedish capital and police made eight arrests. On Sunday night, more than 100 cars were set alight, Swedish media report.

Times of India, 22 maj 2013: Sweden’s capital Stockholm hit by worst riots in years

5580817An anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, has risen to third in polls ahead of a general election due next year, reflecting unease about immigrants among many voters.

Some 15 percent of the population is foreign-born, the highest proportion in the Nordic region. Unemployment among those born outside Sweden stands at 16 percent, compared with 6 percent for native Swedes, according to OECD data.

Among 44 industrialised countries, Sweden ranked fourth in the absolute number of asylum seekers, and second relative to its population, according to UN figures.